Christmas Vlog 2013

I did say that I would do a video blog. 🙂 And here it is! =D

And here are the gift pieces I was referring to in the video. 🙂

Eddie’s Holiday Surprise by Mediziner

Christmas Piece by LostFeathers

Even though Christmas came late for me, I’m going to be in the spirit of it until New Year’s. I know it may seem a bit odd, but it does help to boost my spirits. 🙂

Any holiday song favorites you have you’d like to share? ^^

Once again, you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! =D

Eddie the Wolf signing off. 🙂

The Christmas Wishlist 2013

It’s that time of the year again! =D I have some time before class to do this. Although, I’m itching to draw something. Oh well. I may do so once I’m done with this. 🙂

Before I go on with the wishlist, I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving weekend. 🙂 I’m going to be super busy with the next few days coming up all thanks to my job. ^^; Here is the schedule that they have me for Thursday evening along with Friday and Saturday afternoons.

Thursday, November 28 – 7:45pm – 6am
Friday, November 29 – 2pm – 10:15pm
Saturday, November 30 – 2pm – 10:15pm

Yeah… I know I’m going to be sleep deprived and sick by the time Saturday rolls around. lol I can tough it through. I’ll be okay. 🙂

Anyway, on to the wishlist! 😀

-Skyfall (Blu-ray/DVD combo)
-PS4 bundle with Killzone: Shadow Fall and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
-Killzone Trilogy (PS3)
-Qatsi Trilogy Criterion Collection (Blu-ray)
-Nintendo 3DS
-PlayStation Plus for 12 months
-Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (PS3)
-Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3)
-Pacific Rim (Blu-ray/DVD combo, if possible)
-Visitors soundtrack (CD, Philip Glass)
-Money (mostly from grandparents if possible lol)
-Art of my fursona and my girlfriend’s character (Eddie and Neytiri, SFW please)
-Plane ticket for either myself to see my gf or for my gf to see me

I think that is all I can think of at this time. This list is probably good enough anyway since some of them are more reasonable to get. lol This doesn’t mean you have to do them all! This is only meant for fun. 🙂 Still, it would be cool to get someone a gift and vice versa.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! 😀 Enjoy your time with your family and friends! And don’t get to carried away with all the Black Friday sales.

Eddie the Wolf signing off!

Disney College Program

Heh, looks like I’ve been lacking in posting a serious update for some time now. ^^; Remember how I used to post blogs rather frequently? I recently looked through some earlier posts I’ve done, and I was shocked by how much I would tend to write. I miss that somewhat. Then again, people rarely have time to ready these days. lol

Anyway, that’s besides the point. As the titles suggests, I have recently been accepted into the Disney College Program in Orlando, FL. What does that mean? I’ll be working at the Walt Disney World come February of 2014! =D I had received this great bit of news on the day of Halloween believe or not! lol Looks like it was a good thing that I went back to school after all. Otherwise, I would have greatly missed out on this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who knows? This might be something that I truly need to get where I want to go in life. 🙂 I am rather excited for this, so we shall see what happens!

Other than that, I have recently given my two weeks notice to one company I’ve been working with for a good year now. It’s that data collecting job where I go to different stores to scan items on display. My other part-time job is being a cashier at Sears. It’s decent, and I don’t have to drive around as much as I would with the other part-time job mentioned. And with the semester coming soon to a close, I hope to save enough money before I head to Florida come February. 

Remember that birthday journal I did last month? Well, there was someone I had completely forgotten who had done a very sweet birthday picture for me. 🙂 My good friend Lost Feathers was kind enough to draw a piece featuring my fursona along with my girlfriend’s character. If any of you happen to have an FA account, I highly recommend watching her. ^^ She’s a very talented artist and a very good friend.

Two more mentions that are needed as well! My girlfriend recently sent me a few gifts from her trip to Scotland. =P They’re quite nice really! They consist of a few postcards, a map of Scotland, a rock with an interesting meaning behind it, and a silly little stone figurine of the Loch Ness monster. 🙂 And finally, usagi704 was kind enough to pick up a copy of Rise of the Kasai on the PS2. Now I just need to get my hand on Mark of Kri from back home and play both games. lol Ever since he got me the sequel, I’ve just been aching to play them both. I’m sure I will get my chance to play them soon. 🙂

Speaking of games, I haven’t been doing a lot of gaming lately with school and work happening. However, I did manage to recently beat Beyond: Two Souls for the PS3. Now I’m not one to go back and play games for the sake of getting all the trophies, but this one in particular I am willing to do so. I might even do the same with a few others like Heavy Rain, Sonic Generation, and Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection. We’ll see though.

Other than that, I seriously need to get back into drawing more. ^^; I really miss it. What it really comes down to it is just being able to set aside some time to draw. Plus, I am going to be needing a scanner once the school semester is over…

With that out of the way, I will post a Christmas wishlist soon! It may be over the weekend before I do so though. Still, be on the lookout for it whenever possible. 🙂

I hope all of you are doing well with Thanksgiving coming up shortly!

You all take care and thanks for reading! =D

Eddie the Wolf signing off!